
Tuesday, February 25, 2020

Soil concentration Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 250 words

Soil concentration - Essay Example High concentrations of Cl- destabilize membranes and denatured proteins, which is toxic for plants through soil degradation (Huang 17). Due to the decreased water permeability and porosity, it leads to water deficit in plant’s leaves. This inhibits metabolism and plant growth, hence making Cl- harmful to plants. It leads to misplacement of Ca2+ from cell wall and reducing the latter’s activity occurring on the apoplast, reducing salinity balance in plasma membrane. Increase in CL- and Na+ in the membrane can block the detoxification process (Huang 74). However, there are some soil tolerant plants, commonly referred to as halophytes, which have a higher endurance than the less tolerance ones (glycophyte) (Huang 75). Salinity of soils in natural environments is mainly caused by the upstream movement of seawater to rivers, which supply plants with water. However in far inland places, natural seepage occurs from geologic marine deposits that wash salt into surrounding areas. Transpiration and evaporation can also extract water through vapor, leading to an increase in soil solution. It is also possible for water droplets that move from the ocean to disperse and later evaporate, causing salinity. Therefore, the distance to saline water from a sidewalk differs and is determined by assorted factors (Levy, Guy, Pinchas

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